Students at White House on DC Class Trip Educational Tours

Frequently Asked Questions About An Educational Tour

Find answers to many of the most common questions about Educational Tours and student group travel. Need more information or specifics? Contact us and a representative will be happy to assist you.

How much luggage can students bring?

Students are allowed to bring one standard size suitcase and one small carry bag.

Can a student bring a pillow and blanket?

Yes on motor coach trips. We do not recommend bringing these items for trips involving air transportation. Airport security and rules/expenses involved with checked luggage make these items generally impractical for air travel.

Should students carry cash or credit/debit cards?

Students are not encouraged to bring large amounts of cash on tour. Most schools allow students to bring credit cards, debit cards or gift cards.

What meals are included in a typical trip?

Meals generally start with lunch or dinner on day 1 and from that point forward include breakfast, lunch and dinner throughout the duration of the trip.

How much spending money should a student traveler bring?

Educational Tour prices cover all necessary costs. Spending money is usually for souvenirs or snacks and typically $20 a day is ample.

Are students allowed to bring computers, Ipads, games and other electronic hand-held devices on the trip?

Generally, yes. Each school establishes their own respective rules for use of such devices.

How can a parent reach a child in case of emergency?

Parents will more than likely be given the phone number(s) of school personnel on the trip. In addition, phone numbers for hotels are included on the trip itinerary where messages can be left for students. Finally, Educational Tours is available 24 hour a day on our toll-free number for emergencies (1-800-343-9003).

What requirements are there for a student bringing medications on a trip?

A form must be completed and provided to the trip sponsor in order for students to bring any medications on the trip. All medications are collected and administered by school personnel.

Are students allowed to bring mobile phones?

Typically, mobile phones are allowed. However, teacher/sponsor establishes mobile phone policies for their trips.

What happens if there is a medical emergency for my student traveler?

Educational Tours includes emergency medical insurance in the trip price for all overnight tours. Parents or guardians sign a release form to ensure their traveler is able to receive medical attention and is notified immediately in the unlikely event such assistance is needed.

How many students share each hotel room on a trip?

Generally, students lodge four to a room and chaperones lodge two to a room.

How are roommates selected?

The trip sponsor sets the parameters for roommate assignments since they are most knowledgeable about the dynamics of the class members.

How can I get an itinerary for my student trip?

Educational Tours completes a detailed itinerary for each trip which is available from the trip sponsor.

What is Educational Tours refund policy?

Our tour enrollment form will provide complete refund policy information for each trip offered.

How do I make payments for a student trip?

The teacher sponsor has the payment information for their tour. If the tour is set up for online payments, participants can obtain the login and password and click the Trip Sign Up button at the top of the website to register and make payments online with a debit or credit card.

What additional costs are there besides the quoted per-student trip price?

Educational Tours offers pricing with no hidden costs. Actual trip prices vary based on departure/destination locations. But once a price is determined all costs are included except for discretionary spending.

What payment options are available?

Educational Tours provides flexible payment options for its group travelers including online payment with debit and credit cards for multi-day tours. Teacher sponsors should discuss all the options with their Educational Tours representative who can assist in setting up the best payment option.

Can anyone in the class participate in a student tour?

Most class tours have limitations on number of participants simply from a logistical standpoint. In addition, teachers and sponsors are responsible for setting the participation requirements for their student tours. Typically, these include maintaining a minimum grade and good class citizenship.

Does Educational Tours offer trips other than those listed on the website?

Educational Tours has organized trips to destinations across the nation from Key West, FL to San Francisco, CA. Our team can help you plan a class group trip to virtually any destination in the Continental U.S.A.

What is the typical ratio of chaperones to students on your tours?

Each class and every trip is different requiring its own specific requirements. However, Educational Tours typically recommends one chaperone for every 10 student travelers.

How can I schedule a trip for my class?

Student trips require a teacher, band/choral director or other school official to be a sponsor. If you are a teacher, Contact us about sponsoring a student trip to one of the Destinations featured on our website (or to just about anywhere in North America.) If you are a parent or student, check with your class teacher or club/group director to encourage them to sponsor a trip and Educational Tours can help put it together.